Rabu, 07 Juni 2017

"Praktikum Komputer" In This Semester

Praktikum Komputer is the new subject of this semester. Our lecturer is Mr. Syahrian. He explained us about hardware and software of a computer. In our first meeting, he asked us to type in Microsoft Words and count how long we type it. I got 12 minutes I think, actually I forget the time but I was pretty fast!

In the next meeting, we asked to make a blog and make a film review. You can read my review here!. We watched a movie and make a short review. It was pretty fun! The film is good and suit my taste, but the making of review was pretty boring because I was lazy. In another meeting, we asked to make an article about IT skill that people should have know, you can read my article by click this word. It was fun because I was in the mood for writing.

We learn Microsoft Excel in a few weeks. We learnt about the formula and the fucntion of HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, AVERAGE, IF, RIGHT, MIDDLE, LEFT. When we faced midterm exam, is was so hectic because the examination was delayed for about an hour, and in a sudden there is a task for midterm exam. There are 3 task; make an article about tourism object in Indonesia, an article about the function of the formulas that we have already learnt, and process a data in Ms. Excel using the formulas that we have already learnt. Actually, I was not ready to do the task in a little time, but fortunately I did it!

After the midterm exam, we learnt about Photoshop. Basically I did not really understand but I got the lecturer's instructions. He told us about basic editing. In the next meeting, he asked us to make a presentation about underrated tourism object. Delia and I make a presentation about Bung Karno's tomb in Blitar, my hometown. We choose to presented about it because others presenting about beaches, park, mountains, cave, and many others, but we choose historical site.

In conclusion, this subject was amazing! The class was fun and relaxing. I can do whatever I want to do such as listening to the music while doing the task. My lecturer was fun and he always support the students with positive advice. I wish, every subject as fun as praktikum komputer.


Makam Bung Karno

We all already know that Soekarno, Indonesia proclamation reader also the first president of Indonesia who has been buried at Blitar, East Java. Fortunately, Blitar is my hometown, so in this post I want to tell you about President Soekarno's Tomb as one of the tourist attractions in Blitar.
pic. source: Google Maps

It is located at 60 Slamet Riyadi Street, Bendogerit village, Sanan Wetan District, about 2 kilometers from downtown, and 3.1 kilometers from Blitar Railway Station. It takes 11 minutes from Blitar Railway Station by car or motorcycle.

Bung Karno's grave

The main building of this site is Bung Karno's grave that covered by traditional Javanese house, called "Joglo". There is a stone above the grave, and written "Disini dimakamkan BUNG KARNO PROKLAMATOR dan PRESIDEN PERTAMA REPUBLIK INDONESIA Lahir   : 6 JUNI 1901 Wafat   : 21 JUNI 1970 PENYAMBUNG LIDAH RAKYAT".

There are also the complement building, such as  library and Museum of Bung Karno. This library is the most complete book collection in East Java. It has lift, restroom, reading room, bookshelves, and many others. It has complete collection especially for historical books.

Beside the library, there is a museum of Bung Karno. The museum has many photos and painting of Bung Karno since he was young, become president, until his death. The most unforgettable collection of this museum is a painting of Bung Karno and it shows the hearthbeat of Bung Karno. There is Indonesia authentic flag that sewn by Fatmawati for Indonesia proclamation in 17 August 1945. 

Behind museum there is a amphitheater to held a memorial of Bung Karno called "khol" (the day of the death". It usually used by local to held a traditional dancing shows or theatrical shows. This amphitheater was build for symbol of Soekarno's special interest for art.

Beside the amphitheater, there is a Peace Gong. It was given to Blitar's major, Djarot Syaiful Hidayat. It is a symbol that Bung Karno has power to make a peace of the world during world war II. 

Outside the site, there is a market. A lot of local people sell merchandise, traditional dish, and flower. The entrance tickets are free. You only need to pay the parking tickets, about Rp1000 for motorcycle, Rp3000 for car, and Rp10.000 for bus.

Rabu, 15 Maret 2017

Skill IT Yang Semua Orang Wajib Tau

pic. source : Pinterest
Pada jaman serba modern seperti saat ini, komputer merupakan barang yang pasti dimiliki oleh setiap orang, baik itu anak sekolah, pekerja, maupun orang tua.Keberadaan komputer/PC/Laptop sangatlah mempermudah berbagai tugas dan pekerjaan lainnya.

Berikut adalah kemampuan dasar yang wajib anda ketahui untuk mempermudah pengoperasiannya :

1. Kemampuan Mengoperasikan Sistem Operasi

Sistem operasi/operating system/OS, atau contohnya Windows XP/7/8, Linux, Mac, dll, merupakan sofware lapisan pertama yang diletakkan pada hardisk komputer. Meskipun terkesan sepele, nyatanya masih banyak orang yang belum "fasih" mengoperasikannya. Sebagian kemampuan OS yang wajib anda miliki adalah :
  • Menghidupkan dan mematikan OS
  • Menggunakan explorer
  • Membuat, mengedit dan menghapus file
  • Hapal/mengerti cara membuat shortcut key dari fitur OS

2. Kemampuan Microsoft Office

Kemampuan mengoperasikan Ms. Office penting karena software ini adalah software yang paling sering digunakan. Mulai dari anak sekolah, hingga pekerja pasti menggunakannya. Kemampuan dasar yang wajib dimiliki adalah kemampuan mengolah data di Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, dan Ms. PowerPoint.

3. Kemampuan 10 Fingers Typing

Kemampuan mengetik menggunakan 10 jari penting karena mata anda terfokus ke layar dan jari anda bergerak dengan sendirinya untuk mencari huruf yang anda ketik. Mengetik menggunakan 10 jari lebih efisien dibanding dengan 2 jari. Menulis menjadi lebih cepat!

4. Kemampuan Menggunakan Internet

Skill yang paling terpakai ketika berurusan dengan internet yaitu kemampuan pengoperasian email dan browsing/searching.

5. Kemampuan Instalasi Software/Hardware

Pada umumnya software yang sering kita instal sendiri ketika akan bekerja ataupun mengerjakan tugas adalah software printer, Ms. Office, dan software utility lainnya. Tidak jarang juga kita harus install ulang OS sendiri.

Sedangkan instalasi hardware yang kita harus lakukan sendiri sebelum memanggil teknisi adalah instalasi printer ke laptop, UPS-PC-monitor-keyboard-mouse-printer-speaker.

6. Kemampuan Trouble Shooting Masalah Sederhana Software/Hardware

Tidak jarang kita harus refill tinta printer sendiri, atau menginstall ulang OS yang lemot. Kemampuan trouble shooting sederhana pasti akan sangat mempermudah masalah anda dalam waktu yang singkat.

7. Kemampuan Editing Gambar Tingkat Pemula

Kemampuan dasar mengedit gambar contohnya cropping gambar, mengubah resolusi gambar, mengubah warna gambar menjadi hitam putih, menggabungkan banyak gambar menjadi satu kolase, membuat desain sederhana brosur/pamphlet/banner/reklame/kartu nama, membuat replika gambar ke dalam format vector, dll
Software pengolah gambar digital yang paling umum digunakan yakni Microsoft Office Picture Manager dan Paint. Sedang yang advence biasanya Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw dan Adobe Illustrator.

Kemampuan-kemampuan diatas mungkin tidak semuanya anda kuasai. Namun, sebaiknya segera anda pelajari mengingat banyaknya kemudahan dan keuntungan yang anda dapatkan dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Baik itu masalah yang sepele, fundamental, maupun mendesak. 

Rabu, 08 Maret 2017

Six Shooter Review

Six Shooter is a live action short film written by Martin McDonagh in 2004. This film won several awards, including Academy  Award for Best Live Action Short Film.

pic from google
As this films opens, a doctor inform Donelly that his wife died at 3 o'clock in the morning. When he was  sitting beside his wife to say his last goodbye the doctor told him that he was busy beacuse of two cot death. One of them is a woman shot brutally her son and she has no head left on her.

In his way back home, he met several people. In the train, he sits on the opposite of a young boy who smoking. The boy reveals himself as a manic foul-mouth. Donelly tolerates this kids, and keep talking with this kid. The problem begin when the kid asked a couple who sit across the aisle without proper manner and he use so many swear words. After some commotion, the kid leaves to get something from buffet cart. As the kid leaves, Donelly asks about what happened to the couple who sit across the aisle. And he got the answer. The man told him that they'd just lost their son because of cot death.

After the kid comes back, Donelly told him that the couple had just lost their son. The kid asked "did they kill it?". After Donelly explains to him about cot death, the kid said "they must be banged ther child's head on to something." The heat blows up but Donelly steps out.

The scene continues with Donelly goes to buffet cart to get something. In the buffet cart he met the man who sits across the aisle. The man engaged a briefly conversation. After that he got a couple cup of tea. As the man comes up, the kid sits beside the woman. He quickly moves and harass her when she hold a photo of her dead son. After that the woman walks out and the photo tear up. After the kid comes back to his seat, he saw a head banging on the window. He investigate it and found that the woman had just jumped out of the train.

After Donelly and the man comes back to their seat, the kid inform the man that his wife just jumped out of the train and banged her head to the window. The man takes it as a jokes. But, after he saw the blood in the window he turn on the emergency alarm and the police coming to investigate it.After the accident, the kid told him that he just lost his mother. His mother got murdered.

The police suspects the kid because of his manner and attitude. After he remember that he knows the child, the police says that they should takes the kid's guns off. The scene continues when Donelly arrive in his destination. From the window he saw the police stand by with their gun. He remember about the doctor's story about a son who shots his mother. He just realize that the kid who sat in front of him is the suspect.

Donelly comes back to home with a gun from the kid. He shot his rabbit pet David and he wants to shots himself because of he wants to met his wife. But he changed his mind, and the scene was over.

Sources :
- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0425458/

Minggu, 17 Juli 2016

Untuk Kematian

Untuk kawanku, Kematian...

jika engkau mau membawaku bersamamu
bawalah aku dengan tenang, dengan damai

ajak aku bersamamu
ke tempat yang sunyi dan dingin
mari kita bercengkrama disana,
bagai seorang kawan lama

jemput aku kapan saja
karena dulu kita berjanji, akan bertemu suatu saat nanti
hanya satu pintaku saat kau datang,
jemputlah aku bagai seorang kawan lama

Be Soft

do not let the world make you hard
do not make the pain make you hate
do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness

take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree,
you still believe it to be a beautiful place.

Sabtu, 16 April 2016

Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there; I did not die.

written in 1932 by Mary Elizabeth Frye